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Friday, May 3, 2013

Liberal Statement on World Press Freedom Day

English: World Press Freedom Index 2010 (Repor...
World Press Freedom Index (Reporters Without Borders)  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
OTTAWA– Liberal Canadian Heritage critic Scott Simms made the following statement today on World Press Freedom Day:

“World Press Freedom Day is a time to honour the vital role played by an independent press and freedom of expression in fostering democracy, both here in Canada and around the world. It is also a day to remember all those who have lost their lives in pursuit of the truth.
Unfortunately, censorship, intimidation and politically-motivated arrests continue in many corners of the globe. Journalists must be able to report freely and without fear of repercussions, for when the press is intimidated, we all suffer.
World Press Freedom Day is equally an occasion to examine the state of press freedom in our own country, especially as the industry struggles and learns to adapt to the information age. This Conservative government has shown unprecedented disdain for the press and freedom of expression, with real consequences for Canadian democracy.
On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada and our Parliamentary Caucus, I would like to join with all Canadians in demanding that freedom of expression and freedom of the press be respected here at home and around the world.”

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