High Lights

StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mallika Sherawat’s driver, publicist, manager tweets on her behalf?

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-By Flynn Remedios – Futuristic Media Network-Mallika Sherawat has to be in the news. After the disastrous performance of Hisss at the Box Office, poor Mallika was in the doldrums for a while. But the never-say-die gal knows how to make a comeback.  A few days ago, she managed to hog headlines in all news papers with her tweets about Salman Khan, SRK and Hrithik. She tweeted saying ‘Salman Khan is a pussycat’, SRK is ‘king of charisma’ and Hrithik Roshan is ‘Talent plus beauty! Lethal’. Later on when these tweets managed to get the desired media attention, she said, “’Pussycat’ is another way of saying he’s a sweetie. Calm down, ppl;) Most of my tweets are jokey, yet ppl take em seriously LOL.”

Now, she has gone one step further and said she is married and pregnant. Mallika we all know that you were married earlier and ‘dumped the poor man’ on your way up the Bollywood ladder – or at least that’s what he said. But saying that you are pregnant is surprising. The dictionary defines the word pregnant as ‘full’ or ‘filled with’. Maybe you meant that you were pregnant with joy or sorrow or ‘whatever’.
When asked if she has any news, she quipped, “I retired, married, pregnant with quintuplets, eat lots of meat lol ;-)

We decided to find out what had got into Mallika of late and did a little bit of poking around. Guess what we found out. Mallika Sherawat has given access to her Twitter account to her publicist, her managers and of all the people even to her driver. So next time you see a whacky one liner or some crazy stuff on your time line emanating from Mallika Sherawat’s Twitter Id don’t be surprised if it’s her driver ‘pregnant’ with the spirit – we mean the liquid kind – tweeting away to glory. A source even told us that about 50 per cent of tweets on Mallika Sherawat’s account are not hers, but either her publicist or manager on the job. We wonder if this is true and if Mallika would like to tweet again to clarify this.

-Pic by Snaps India

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