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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Glowing Complexion - Beauty tip by Sangeeta

For a clean and clear complexion we could do anything, but lots of our experiments land in trouble. The secret of a star complexion is less of everything, be it makeup, facials, packs, or anything we quite often do. Oily, dry or normal skin have different phases, oily can become too oily, or dry skin could often be oily too.

If we stick to one care pattern ignoring these factors, we are honestly damaging out texture. The rituals of skin care include exfoliating regularly, cleansing toning and moisturising every day. Your health plays an important role; the most common is stomach disorders which can easily lead to eruptions on the skin. Don’t forget to include Vitamin C in your diet, to balance and neutralize the skin.

Fruit facials and masks are very beneficial, but avoid the one that make your skin dry. Cucumbers or potatoes help the blemishes besides the tan, but since they have a cooling effect, and drying too, they are most recommended in summer.

Winters in this country, will make you face very dry, moisturise regularly, and keep it protected with a good sunscreen. Avoid heat directly on your face, make up for winters have to differ from the summer package. Age is also an important factor, younger skin can take a bit more abuse, and sooner or later the strokes with which you apply makeup or mask have to get gentler and softer. It should only be with your fingers, not your hands and circular motions always outwards.

At the end of the day however late don’t forget to remove all your makeup and a good face wash, to remove grim that clogs the pores from breathing, could do wonders, to help you attain the scar free healthy looking complexion. Good luck and don’t lose hope.

-StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto

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