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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tia Talks to OM PURI - A StarBuzz Exclusive

Mr Om Puri, the veteran actor of Indian cinema here in Toronto for the screening of his film ‘West is West’ at the Toronto International Film Festival. I got this opportunity of having an exclusive chat with Mr Puri during a party thrown by the Parvasi Group, where he was the chief guest.

How do you like Toronto?

I love Toronto and I love Canada. I travel here a lot. I shot Sam & Me and Kismet Konnection here. I come here for the festival also. I even go to Montreal, but my favorite city is Vancouver.

How do you feel the response would be for your film West is West, screening at the TIFF?

I am sure people will like West is West. It’s a human story about relationships. It’s a story of sacrifice and tolerance that would speak to everyone.

Apart from working in Hindi cinema, you have extensive experience in American and British cinema as well. How do you compare them?

Broadly speaking, the difference is in the west the budgets are much higher, fancier equipment and people are more disciplined. Back home things are changing as well. They have started introducing newer equipment and started improving the quality of films. Still, the west has more resources. However, I don’t have a preference. Wherever I can find good work I try to be a part of it.

In your career, quite often you pick challenging and unconventional roles and you have delivered high impact performances. What do you have to say about that.

I try. I want to be known as a versatile actor. That is why I keep try different things. I have done everything, comedies, serious, satires or dark roles. I am a trained actor. I have studied drama for 3 years and went to film school for two years.

Any project that has been close to your heart or special.

Many. I enjoyed Satya, City of Joy & My son the Fanatic. There are many more. Out of the 250 that I have done 50 must be dear to me.

Any particular artist you have enjoyed working with or someone/or project you want to be a part of that you haven’t had the opportunity for yet?

I enjoyed working with Govind Nihalani. I try not to keep a craving for anything. There is no point. It doesn’t help me. I don’t want to be imagining working with Speilberg, obviously it won’t happen.

Anything you would like to say to your Torontonian audience?

Well, I would ask them to support good causes. Whether its films, or social causes. I would specially ask the youth to do so. Keep your dignity intact. They should also remember they have come to someone else’s house. You must intermingle and respect each other’s culture. Learn to respect others, you will receive the same respect. If you want to be appreciated you should learn to appreciate others.

Tia Virdi
-StarBuzz weekly, Toronto
-Pic by Irfan Ali

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