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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Friday, September 10, 2010

Look Vibrant, Look Beautiful

‘It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.’ Oscar Wilde.
It’s your appearance that speaks about you even before you speak; your moods reflect your body language, Each and every one of us has been given a unique talent, and that is our strength. We can enhance our strength by being confident in whatever we do. A part of that confidence comes from how we appear. Grooming should be a part of our normal routine. With the world at our fingers, we have answers to all concerns, so the question of ‘how’? is eliminated.

Now we have ‘what’ to be taken care of, simply look at yourself and decide, how can we improve the way we look? Clothes, face, hair, nail, skin, etc, are prevalent, Clothes should most certainly match the occasion, time of day or night, besides the season. The latest fashion magazines help you decide the color of the season, even if you had to browse while in the checkout.

Make up can be subtle for the day, a simple liner and mascara can do wonders to change your appearance, eye shadow must always be matte for the day, spare the glitter glossy ones for the evenings, lip liners can be worn to define the lips, but remember to use the color closest to your skin tone.

Almost always hair style has to match what clothes you wear, pay extra attention for daily wear, you can eventually decide on something that is easy to maintain thorough the day, without much accessories and products,

Nails can be self groomed too but if you have the time, get it done professionally, well kept hands and nails boots our personality, hand gestures enhances our nonverbal communication.

More than 50% of our communication is via body language, be it eye contact, facial expression or hand gestures, so why not make the most of it!!!!

-Sangeeta Vidyasagar

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