High Lights

StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Do parents need to change??

We have been waiting for a solution for sometime now, are the parents getting too obsessed or are the children making it more difficult?
No matter what culture or upbringing! teen issues are universal now.
They will lack sympathy and empathy, which will hinder them from developing and managing personal and professional relationships;
Their brains are mentored to handle the new equipment rather than handle the strategies of life! Can we blame them?? Internet is their answer to every question or doubt; researchers found that teens that used the internet in an unreasonable or uncontrollable fashion were about two-and-a-half times more likely to develop depression.
The survival of the fittest synopsis could almost be contradicted! Teens are aware they can create a career with almost anything, be it music, computers, shopping, cooking, language and its endless....Studies have suggested adolescent brains are less active than those of adults in regions that motivate reward-based behaviour, they tend to be satisfied with relatively modest rewards, Teenagers are chronically sleep-deprived, the more sleep deprived our teens get, they tend to get depressed and could lead to other related unhealthy habits. Underage drinking, adolescence smoking have serious long term effects.
Lack of concentration, poor performance in studies, inability to complete any task, arrogance and attitude develop rapidly. Reaction to parent’s rules could result in raising voices, whining, running away or throwing/kicking/hitting things/slamming doors/ argue,
This is no doubt the most worrisome global issue, how will they handle the future and hold on to it, God Bless the youth.
-by Sangeeta Kanjani

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