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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Monday, April 29, 2013

Deepak Obhrai Asserts Canada's Principled Foreign Policy at High-Level Democracy Conference

 (Ottawa) From April 27th to May 1st
 2013, Deepak Obhrai, the Parliamentary Secretary to the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, will represent Canada at the Community of Democracies
Conference in Ulaanbataar, Mongolia. 
Representatives from around the world will gather to strengthen democracy worldwide through their support for civil society and emerging democracies. They will discuss democratic developments, including the support for key states such as Burma and leaders across the Middle East and North African region undergoing democratic transitions. Also on the agenda delegates will address concerns about democratic backsliding in countries where the democratic space is closing, and fundamental challenges remaining in closed regimes like Iran.  The Parliamentary Secretary will engage in discussions with high level counterparts on bilateral issues of interest to Canada and with key civil society actors working on issues of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law in repressive environments. This year Canada and Mongolia will be celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relations.


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