Actress Shonali Sharma recently who recently signed a big banner Tamil film completed shooting for a song sequence for the same project. The title song which has lyrics like “tokri ke peeche” is a bi-lingual track and is a parody on the famous Choli ke peeche song from the movie Khalnayak. The music of the song is somewhat similar to the infamous Kolaveri Di track and the lyrics mention the phrases “Sheila Ki Jawani aur Munni Ki Badnami”. Shonali Sharma plays the lead in the film, the title of which has not yet been revealed.
The movie which is produced by the Chennai-based Vrushali Productions Pvt Ltd and stars Shonali Sharma in the main lead. She plays the role of a feisty and shapely village lass who is wooed by a rogue politician who has vowed to marry her at all cost.
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