Little did actress Shonali Sharma who recently signed a big banner Tamil film know that she would have to bear the ire of locals while shooting for a song sequence for the same project. The title song which has lyrics like “tokri ke peeche” is a bi-lingual track and is a parody on the famous Choli ke peeche song from the movie Khalnayak. It also has a few double meaning phrases that can be construed or interpreted to be an insult to the Tambram or Tamil Brahim community. The music of the song is somewhat similar to the infamous Kolaveri Di track and the lyrics mention the phrases “Sheila Ki Jawani aur Munni Ki Badnami”.
Shonali Sharma plays the lead in the film, the title of which has not yet been revealed.
StarBuzz, Toronto-
While shooting for the song on the outskirts of Pondicherry, actress Shonali Sharma and the unit were attacked by local hooligans who demanded that the shooting be stalled and the lyrics changed. Explaining the sequence of events, Shonali Sharma told Newz88, “We started shooting the song at around 8 am and everything was fine till about 3 pm. I suspect some of the unit wallas must have tipped off local goons who attacked the set with lathis and stones and demanded that the shooting be stopped immediately. Since the shoot was at a remote location, it took time for the police to reach there. We had to actually pack up and leave in our vehicles to convince the goondas that we had stopped shooting or else they would have damaged our vehicles and other camera, sound and light equipment. After the police arrived, the goons were taken into custody and the shooting continued under police protection, though tension prevailed in the area. We finished shooting the outdoor portion of the song by about 11.30 pm and left the area with police protection. This was a very unnerving incident and I am still trying to get over it. Imagine being surrounded by over 100 dangerous looking goons wielding lathis and stones and ready to pounce on you,” says Shonali Sharma who is originally based in Mumbai.
The movie which is produced by the Chennai-based Vrushali Productions Pvt Ltd and stars Shonali Sharma in the main lead. She plays the role of a feisty and shapely village lass who is wooed by a rogue politician who has vowed to marry her at all cost.
StarBuzz, Toronto-
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