High Lights

StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas and New Year’s Statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Member of Parliament for Scarborough-Agincourt, and Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

As the festive season approaches, many people are busy with last minute preparations so they can celebrate Christmas with family and friends.  In the midst of this hustle and bustle, we need to pause and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

At Christmas, Christians around the world rejoice in the birth of an infant, born over two thousand years ago, in humble surroundings.  He signifies God’s love for mankind.

May the Glory of our Saviour’s birth bring love, hope and a renewed desire for peace on earth.

This is a special time of the year when family and friends gather.  Let us give thanks for our blessings and let us keep in our thoughts and prayers those Canadians and people throughout the world who are in need.  Let us also remember our soldiers who are far from home.

A Happy New Year, to you and your loved ones.  In 2012, may you enjoy good health, happiness and prosperity.

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