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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Thursday, December 8, 2011


7 December 2011, Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with U.S. President Barack Obama in the Oval Office at the White House prior to announcing the Border Action Plan

7 December 2011Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Barack Obama, U.S. President, announce the Border Action Plan

StarBuzz Toronto: WASHINGTOND.C. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama announced today that Canada and the United States have agreed to implement two action plans designed to speed up legitimate trade and travel, improve security in North America, and align regulatory approaches between the two countries.

 “Billions of dollars worth of goods and hundreds of thousands of people cross our shared border every day,” said Prime Minister Harper.  “Moving security to the perimeter of our continent will transform our border and create jobs and growth in Canada by improving the flow of goods and people between our two countries.

The Action Plan on Perimeter Security and Economic Competiveness focuses on four areas of cooperation: addressing threats early; facilitating trade, economic growth and jobs; integrating cross-border law enforcement; and improving critical infrastructure and cyber-security.

We are pursuing an ambitious global trade agenda, while at the same time ensuring enhanced access to the United States, our largest and most important trading partner, said Prime Minister Harper.  “Together, these agreements represent the most significant step forward in Canada-U.S. cooperation since the North American Free Trade Agreement.”

The Action Plan on Regulatory Cooperation will help reduce barriers to trade, lower costs for consumers and business, and create economic opportunities on both sides of the border. It identifies 29 initiatives where Canada and theU.S. will align their regulatory approaches in the areas of agriculture and food, transportation, health and personal care products, chemical management, the environment, and other cross-sectoral areas, while not compromising our health, safety or environmental protection standards.

“This Action Plan on Regulatory Cooperation will break down regulatory barriers and will make it easier for our firms and manufacturers to do business on both sides of the border,” added the Prime Minister.

The two action plans respect the sovereignty of both countries and specify they will work together to promote the principles of human rights, privacy and civil liberty essential to the rule of law and the effective management of our perimeter.

As the action plans are implemented, the Government will consult with Parliament and Canadians and keep them informed of progress.

Detailed backgrounders on each area of cooperation and what the initiatives will mean are available at www.borderactionplan.gc.ca.

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-

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