StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-
Shweta Nagpurkar Saxena. Accredited Trainer/ Corporate Psychologist |
1. Introspect and find out,
A] When was it that you met yourself the last time?
B] When was it last when you felt being with yourself?
2. Do you consistently manage and enjoy your ‘Me’ time?
3. How well and completely have you accepted yourself?
4. Are you aware of the top 5 things that give you unconditional happiness?
5. How frequently you compliment yourself? And pat your own back?
6. How often do you enjoy hearing your own laughter?
7. Do you enjoy grooming?
8. How do you take care of your self-esteem?
9. Which are the 5 regular things you have on your to-do-list to de-stress yourself?
10. Do you actually take a break and enjoy your pleasant mood/ emotions?
11. Which 2 things motivate you the most? How often you practice them?
12. Are you able to confess to and forgive yourself?
13. How often do you cross-check your Self-Talk with regard to optimism?
14. Is your life breathing as you want it to?
15. When was the last time you said “I love you” to yourself?
The reason we need to do this is that we are aware of missing ourselves and yet again we keep postponing this hunt for self. At the end of each day most of us spend at least some time in repenting of not being able to enjoy their current life, thinking this is not what they had expected themselves to be, are over-sacrificing in the other related roles, complaining that life is getting too demanding but is not giving them much in return and so on. What you will sow in your mind, same will you reap in the form of thoughts, personality traits, emotions, attitude and behavior. Thus, this is the right time to wake up and deal with our incompletion about self. Many times we expect self-definition, happiness and self-satisfaction to come to us from the outer world but the undeniable fact is it has to start and continue coming from within us. This was a small exercise to help you find and come closer to yourself, thus, make sure you answer all the above question……..after all what completes our identity is a world of I, Me,
Thank You!
Shweta Nagpurkar Saxena.
Accredited Trainer/ Corporate Psychologist/ Writer
I like this article. Very lucid style of writing and also to the point. Thank you.