High Lights

StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-
National Forum for Civic Action of Canada has sent an open letter to the Premier Hon. Dalton McGuinty to take effective measures to lower against gas prices and reduce auto insurance or face hunger strike to death. The volunteers of NFCA, including some women have decided to embark on this action because of inaction by the Government.

NFCA regrets that the response of Hon Dwight Duncan has been to gloss over the real issues and is just dilatory in nature. NFCA has requested the premier to take effective steps, so as to avoid any unseemly situation.

The letter clearly states that the onus and responsibility for any such eventuality shall rest entirely with the Government.

NFCA as a responsible organization had given sufficient notice and also extended it to enable the government to take effective steps, but the government has failed to response.

NFCA has also called upon the leaders of opposition to take up this issue of prime importance.

The demands of NFCA are:

1.      There be an immediate across the table cut back on insurance premiums by 25%
2.      That the Government orders immediately caps the premiums and directs the insurance companies not to increase the premiums, which are economically stifling.
3.      That a watch dog organization be set up to advice the increase, if any in future. This committee should have equal representation from the Insurance companies, Government and public.
4.      That the HST on Gas is removed immediately
5.      Immediate control prices by delinking them from the international prices, and by making the gas companies absorb some costs.
6.      Bring down the prices to Nov. 2010 level

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