Rao, who is also a son of veteran actor Rao Gopal Rao, was shooting a critical action sequence for Allu Arjun’s film when this accident happened. The reports suggest that Rao was performing an action sequence with Kelly Dorjee, who hit him during the sequence and Rao fell at a distance. Unfortunately, a huge torch also fell near his head at that time and he had a miraculous escape. Had the torch fallen few inches away then it would have hit the actor’s head and there would have been no chances of his survival.
Luckily, Rao survived with minor injuries and everyone on the sets considers it as a rebirth of the actor. The cast and crew present there on the sets became very worried about the accident. There were around 700 unit members, who came running to see the actor.
Rao plays a ‘shishya’ of Prakash Raj in this film, which gave him ‘punar janm’. The incident happened few weeks back and the actor is doing well now. However, this film will remain memorable for the actor at least for incident!
-Sampurn Wire
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