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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sanjay Dutt To Set Example By Refraining From Gutka Endorsements

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-January 5, 2011: 'Munnabhai' of Bollywood, Sanjay Dutt is planning to go real ‘Gandhigiri’ way by refraining from endorsing gutka and other tobacco products. The actor has a huge fan following and most of them are youths, who follows him blindly.

Recently, a numbers of doctors in Mumbai wrote a letter to the Bollywood star urging him to stay away from endorsing such harmful products because young generation gets easily influenced by these endorsements. They also reminded him that his own mother Nargis had been a victim of cancer so he should stay away from these harmful products and should promote the campaign against cancer, which was started by his late father Sunil Dutt.

Sanjay has realized his social responsibility and has announced that he would not sign any new tobacco endorsements apart from those he has already signed and is committed. He has understood that his endorsement can badly affect the young and impressionable minds.

As per the sources close to Sanju Baba, he read some newspaper reports, which indicated that doctors are urging him to stop promoting gutka. The source added that Sanjay has decided not to renew his contract with the gutka brand. The 51-year-old actor is planning to quit smoking, so that he can set a healthy example for his kids and the young generation. However, this will happen gradually and will take some time.

Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi of Tata Memorial hospital has expressed their gratitude saying that it means a lot for the doctors that Dutt has been influenced by their campaign.

We hope other actors also follow Sanjay and quit smoking to set a very good example for the young generation, who follow them blindly!
-Sampurn Wire

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