Contrary to reports that Aamir Khan has yet again pulled the leg of Salman Khan in his upcoming project after Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. A source close to the actor says that Aamir Khan is very fond of Salman Khan, the actor looks upon his counterpart as a friend and that is why he makes it a point to refer to Sallu in most of his films. You may recall that Aamir Khan’s production Peepli Live also had a character wearing the bracelet which is a trademark on Salman Khan’s wrist. Prateik Babbar’s character in Dhobi Ghat also wears the same bracelet, and works towards attaining those perfectly sculpted muscles that Salman Khan possesses.
Making the indirect reference to Salman Khan was Aamir Khan’s way of paying tribute to Salman Khan who he loves as a dear friend. Mr. Perfectionist’s wife Kiran Rao has also said in a statement to the media that the Salman Khan inference was hubby Aamir Khan’s idea, but he definitely meant well rather than the bad that the media claims the act to be.
-Sampurn Wire
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