StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto- by Terry S Vostor
It's an interesting case that often Europeans are most enamored with Canadian Aboriginals, "First Nations" people, or in old and less respected terminology "Indians" or "American Indians". To them these first people of the America's represent the esteemed and historic British poet "William Blake's" very concept itself of "innocent lost". Yet in times and millennial who is entrusted and supportive of the very processes of continuing and of preservation of Native American values, ways and traditions?
In First Nations and Metis communities - it is the elder members who hold a most treasured , unique and vintage role? Long standing authority in the field Mr. S. Wilson has reported after long and extensive study and studies that there is no doubt about the major as well as exceptional role that village, community and settlement patriarch and veterans continue to imbue. In the minds of many of the integral elders of any given community - they have been given a mission by the creator himself or themselves to pass down intact the very essence and practices of these time proven beliefs , customs and indeed solid birthrights.
There is no doubt about. Its the senior and more established members of "Aboriginal", "First Nations" or Canadian North American Indian who are the stalwarts and solid foundations of their communities. After all many lived through and persisted in spite of hardships such as the "Residential Schools".No doubt about it - the wisdom of the ages lies in the faces of these "senior citizens" , the stalwarts of their peoples. The fore-bearers of what is important in the culture mores of Aboriginal Canadians are enshrined in the first born and ancestral teachings. They convey a spiritual continuity of the past, present and future. They possess the capabilities of interpreting the today's event into the cultural framework of the traditions of people.
It all began with an undertaking , that strove onwards , initiated firstly with officialdom counting the general population , for its records, in the year of two thousand and one.
The government Stats Canada Report which used data from the official Canadian Government Census looked at the wellness of people aged 65 and over across Canada. In the completed and issued document one whole thick part dealt especially with these issues of Aboriginal and "First Nations Elders", their impact and effects in being a stalwart in maintaining important community and indeed wholesale cultural values. This applied not only the Native American Indians themselves , but also to the Inuit and Metis proud peoples.
What was established was that aboriginal languages are much more predominant among Canadian Aboriginal Seniors and that is in part why they are a direct link and linkage to Canadian Aboriginal culture and heritage.
Canadian Aboriginals make up only one percent of the total Canadian Aboriginal population. The Native Canadians and First Nations of northern Canada has ongoing and serious logistical problems of food , nutrition as well as basic sanitation and sewage services. In addition to that add in what those in the south consider "basic " services of water and fire-fighting. Modern transportation such as cargo air planes and winter ice roads do help to some degree , but to the greatest extent the northern communities and most seriously the smaller more isolated ones suffer ongoing desperation.
Of the total Native "American" or Canadian "First Nations" Canada wide total count , it is estimated that broadly 40,000 fit into the category of senior age , many of them respected "elders in their communities" , wise beyond their years in numbers in terms of age ,experience and expertise. The highest and greatest populations of "Native Indians" and Canadian aboriginals can be found in the Eastern and North-Eastern areas of Canada's largest and most populated province - the province of Ontario Canada.
Headwind among population density centers are the two first western Canadian prairie provinces.
People who travel up to northern Canada are often more than surprised to find that the ratios of elders in the total Native Aboriginal Indian populations is much higher than might be expected. Is it because the young ones find the northern exposures isolated , boring and without challenge , and thus have moved on to the larger centers of the Arctic Circle and Nunavut - be it Yellowknife,Iqaluit or Whitehorse NWT. After all who can live in 2010 without a Walmart big box store nearby."
But Aboriginal Seniors face lower life expectancies rates than non-Aboriginal seniors with aboriginal women outliving aboriginal men,
Even though low in percentages and total numbers, Canadian Aboriginal seniors will increase in both numbers and percentages over the coming years as life expectancy improves. No doubt about it. Without the efforts of the matriarchs , patriarchs and even what might be termed golden ancients - all might be washed down the well of time and tradition of these First Nations Peoples of Canada. The residential schools were among the many obstacles as well as torments that have been placed as almost stumbling stones in their paths.
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