Child actress Jannat Zubair Rahmani, who was earlier seen playing the lead role in Imagine TV’s show ‘Kashi’, is playing the young Phulwa. Now, the latest reports suggest that another actor from Imagine TV’ show ‘Jamunia’, has been signed to play the role of Ramcharan, who is a simple guy and a close friend of Phulwa.
Gaurav Sharma, who played the lead role in Jamunia, has been roped in for the role in this show by Swastik Pictures. His character will be introduced in the first episode of ‘Phulwa’ as it has a huge importance in the storyline of the show.
Ramcharan is an innocent and positive character with down-to-earth personality. He is God fearing guy, who is often seen visiting town even though the story has a village backdrop of Chambal.
Gaurav has done well in his earlier show and is expected to perform better with this powerful show. So, don’t miss to watch ‘Phulwa’ on Colors from Monday at 9 pm.
-Sampurn Wire
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