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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fit Body, Fit Brain

This isn't the first time (and it won't be the last) that we share the connection between exercise and brain health. 

The latest evidence linking the two comes courtesy of a study published in Neurology. Investigators interviewed nearly 900 elderly people (average age: 71 years; no signs of cognitive decline) regarding their exercise habits over a two-week period; gave each person an MRI and various cognitive tests seven years later; and then repeated the tests five years after that to compare results.

Seniors who had reported performing moderate- to high-intensity exercise such as aerobics or running had less decline in memory and processing skills compared to seniors who had reported performing low-intensity exercise (gardening, walking) at the start of the study. In fact, the brains of people who reported low activity aged approximately 10 years more than brains of the high-activity group, according to the researchers.

You might recall that we  recently reported on another study that linked exercise to increased telomere length. (Telomeres are basically the "caps" on DNA strands; their length and quality is an indicator of cell age.) The point is, exercise is fast becoming more than just a great way to keep your body in shape; it can help keep your brain in shape, too.

For more information on health and safety please visit www.toyourhealth.com and the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at www.chiropractic.on.ca or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or www.infinite-health.com

or the longer version

Doctors of chiropractic are specialists, who provide drug free, hands on treatment that targets the source of pain. Studies show that chiropractic treatment is increasingly recognized as one of the safest and most effective health care solutions. Chiropractic care can be used successfully to treat injuries resulting from automobile accidents and sports injuries. For more prevention and wellness, or to find a doctor of chiropractic near you, go to the Patient Information section of the Ontario Chiropractic Association Website at www.chiropractic.on.ca or call 1-877-327-2273. More health information can be found at www.toyourhealth.com.
Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or www.infinite-health.com

Dr. George I. Traitses
Infinite Health / Secretropin Canada
Office: 416 499 5656  Fax: 905 201 6811
2914 Sheppard Ave. Suite 206 Scarborough, Ont. L3P 4E1
90 Fincham Ave., Markham, Ont, L3P 4E1
www .infinite-health.com  www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008189374682
www.secretropin.ca    www.facebook.com/secretropin

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