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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Peanut Butter Worth Waiting For

Planters Peanut Butter offers Canadians a better, tastier alternative
TORONTO, Ont. — For more than a century, Canadian households have welcomed Planters Mr. Peanut into their homes, his distinctive cane, top hat and monocle gracing the packages of their favourite peanuts and assorted nuts.
It only makes sense that one of the world’s most recognizable product icons — renowned for the quality of peanuts and nut products under the Planters brand — is now adorning the label of Planters new Peanut Butter. Planters built its solid reputation on nuts; in keeping with that, it is only natural that— what else? — peanuts are the top ingredient in Planters Peanut Butter.

“Quite simply, Planters Peanut Butter is the better tasting peanut butter,” says Don Lock from Planters. “Our approach is simple. We put more peanuts in our Peanut Butter to create a premium spread that will take your sandwiches, snacks and baking to a new level. In fact, our peanut butter is so good, you’ll be tempted to forego the bread or crackers and simply grab a spoon and eat it straight from the jar!”

Peanut butter has been a staple in the diet of many Canadians for generations. Available in smooth or crunchy, Planters is the best tasting peanut butter on Canadian grocery store shelves.

Suave and dapper, it has been rumoured Mr. Peanut has turned to the popular dating app Tinder to find his perfect match. Do you prefer him smooth or crunchy? Check Mr. Peanut out and let him know! You can also follow along with his adventures on Instagram and Twitter @planterscanada and Like him on Facebook.

For more information about Planters Peanuts new peanut butter please visit www.planterspeanuts.ca.

Grab a spoon — or two if you want to share with a special someone! — and dig in!

About Planters Peanuts:
Planters began as a vision in the mind of a young Italian Immigrant named Amedeo Obici. Little did he know that the small business he began in 1906 would grow into the world's grandest nut company. For more than 100 years we have built our reputation and a powerful brand by offering superior quality and product innovation.


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