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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The 2014 Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival celebrates its Opening Night Red Carpet Gala with renowned actor, writer, and director Rajat Kapoor - meenachopra17@gmail.com - Gmail

TORONTO, ON, AUGUST 6, 2014 – Renowned actor, writer and director Rajat Kapoor will be in attendance during the 2014 Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival (MISAFF14) Opening Night Red Carpet Gala for the premiere of his film Ankhon Dekhi (SEEING IS BELIEVING).

As leading actor on stage and screen, Rajat Kapoor is an adept script-writer and director of films which he also plays a key role in. He can be recognized for his work in Mira Nair’s Monsoon Wedding, Deepa Mehta’s Midnight’s Children, and as a host of numerous mainstream and independent Indian films.

MISAFF14 provides a platform for independent, diverse, conscientious South Asian cinema in long and short form, fiction and documentary. Mississauga will be the hub for interaction and engagement for an audience that loves cinema irrespective of language or culture.

What:              Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival Opening Night Red Carpet Gala

Where:             Square One’s Landmark Cinemas
                        100 City Centre Drive
                        Mississauga, ON L5B 2C9

When:             Thursday, August 7, 2014
7:00 P.M.
Media Check-In 6:15 P.M.            
Who:               Rajat Kapoor
                        Arshad Khan, MISAFF Festival
                        Anya McKenzie, MISAFF Festival Co-Director

Video and photography permitted. Interview opportunities available upon request.
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