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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Thursday, May 3, 2012

South siren Nisha Yadav nude again – this time to get Mumbai’s drains cleaned

www.insurancerate.com StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-South siren Nisha Yadav aka Ameesha Yadav who was last seen in the  buff in the film Corruption – The Curse, based on Anna Hazare’s struggle against corruption has done it again. This time she is agitating to get Mumbai’s drains cleaned before the monsoons. 
Says Flynn Remedios, Nisha Yadav’s publicist, “Nisha Yadav has shot some volatile photos which are part of an awareness campaign by Mumbaiwire. Let us hope the people of Mumbai take it in the right spirit. Each year the BMC spends about Rs 10-15 crore before the monsoons to clean up the drains. In spite of such a huge expenditure, there is flooding even on the first day of some medium to heavy rain. Nisha’s campaign photoshoot is titled BASH THE TRASH & DAMN THE PLASTIC. We do not have huge budgets to create city-wide awareness and such a campaign it’s definitely an attention-grabber.”
Here are a few photos from Nisha Yadav’s latest photo shoot.
 (Photo Courtesy: Futuristic Media Network)

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