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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oakville, Ont. Musicians Promote Local Arts and Culture within Community

www.insurancerate.com StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-
Oakville-based band Whiskey Epiphany will be encouraging community arts and artists this coming Friday with a cultural showcase that will feature live music, performances, and visual artists from the area.
May 02, 2012 -
Oakville’s own acoustic and folk rock band Whiskey Epiphany will be hosting a music and art showcase this coming Friday, with the goal of promoting and supporting local artists and musicians. “Whiskey Epiphany and Friends” will take place at the Bronte Legion, and will feature live music and an art sale from local artists. All the proceeds from the $10 cover charge will be contributed to the performing musicians, and 100% of the art sales will go directly to the artists. Oakville is a haven for talent, says co-organizer and Whiskey Epiphany member Kris Tonkens, but there aren’t too many places where musicians can get exposure. “There’s a lack of venues for local talent to perform, aside from the Moonshine, which is an amazing resource” for musicians, she says. So to help provide area bands with a place to be heard and a setting where local artists can have their work displayed, Whiskey Epiphany came up with the idea for the cultural showcase.

As a member of the Bronte Legion, Tonkens says that this venue was a perfect fit for the event. “Ron, the president of the legion, is extremely supportive of new ideas and supporting local talent,” she says. He is also eager to see some younger members at the legion, and events like this are an excellent way of bringing in some new faces, and promoting local talent.

Tonkens came up with the idea for the music and art showcase after helping to organize her first fundraiser back in February. She helped assemble local musicians to perform at a fundraiser dinner, with the proceeds from that event going to the Halton Women’s Centre.

For more information, please contact Kris Tonkens at whiskey.epiphany@gmail.com or visit whiskeyepiphany.com

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