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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Canadian Girl Conquers Mt. Everest - Shriya Shah Klorfine

www.insurancerate.com StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Today , as the day dawned, at 5:15 am EST, a young 30 odd years old girl became the fourth Canadian woman to set foot on the highest mountain peak- Mt. Everest.

Shriya Shah Klorfine, born in Nepal, as a young girl of 9, had a dream - the dream to conquer the mist clad highest mountain peak and after about 24 years her dreams comes true.

What is amazaing is that she had absolutely no aid or assisatnce. When she approached Hon. Bal Ghosal, Canada Minister for sports, he expressed his inability to provide any assistance. No corporate sector came to her aid, nor did any so called non-profit organization render any aid. So much so that the mainstream media, when approached, simply brushed her away- she was insignificant for the media.

Shriya did not lose heart. backed by her husband Bruce and some well wishers and friends, she carried on her mission and to day the 8700 odd meter high mountain succumbed her grit and determination. She has emerged as a role model for people who have dreams, but no official or corporate backing. Bravo Shriya- you are salt of earth - fit for all accolades for your steely determination .
Shriya has lived up to her dreams-and that is by sheer determination, sheer will , conquering all odds.

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Dr. Bikram Lamba  
By Dr. Bikram Lamba - written just before Shriya Sha's unfortunate accident while decending the Everest and her demise.

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