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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Asian Heritage Month Statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Member of Parliament for Scarborough-Agincourt and Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism

www.insurancerate.com StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-
May is Asian Heritage month - a month of festivities across Canada to highlight, honour and recognize the many and varied contributions Canadians of Asian heritage have made and continue to make to the cultural, economic and social fabric of our country.

Asian Heritage Month was established in 2001 by Liberal Senator Vivienne Poy, who was the first Canadian of Asian descent to be appointed to the Senate of Canada.
Through events - theatre and dance performances, conferences, workshops and story-telling - Canadians will have the opportunity to learn about and celebrate the diverse cultures of the Asian Diasporas in Canada.
I encourage all Canadians to take the time to learn about the history and experiences of Asian Canadians – the struggles, triumphs and the significant contributions that make Canada a vibrant, multicultural society.
In my capacity as a Member of Parliament, I have had worked with members of many of the Asian Diasporas in Canadaon issues of concern and interest.  I have also witnessed the unique beauty of Asian cultures, from China and Hong Kong to India and Indonesia.
As the Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism with responsibility for community outreach, I believe all Canadians, regardless of where they come from, the color of their skin or their religious beliefs become fully engaged in the great experiment we call Canada.

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