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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Statement by Minister Ambrose on International Women's Week

www.insurancerate.com StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-The following is a statement by the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women, on the occasion of International Women's Day, March 8, and International Women's Week, March 4 to 10.
International Women's Week is a time to celebrate women of all ages and to honour their invaluable contributions to our families, our communities, our country and our world. Each year, this week provides Canadians with the opportunity to celebrate women's achievements, past and present. It is also a time to celebrate women's extraordinary potential.

Canada's theme for International Women's Week 2012 is Strong Women, Strong Canada – Women in Rural, Remote and Northern Communities: Key to Canada's Economic Prosperity.
Women are crucial to the well-being and prosperity of their communities throughout Canada, whether they are in urban environments, agricultural areas or remote settlements in Canada's North.
With this year's theme, we call on Canadians to honour the three million women and girls who live and work in the 5,200 rural, remote and Northern communities from coast to coast to coast.
Our government is working to ensure women in rural, remote and Northern communities can live free from harm, improve their lives, and participate fully in their communities and the Canadian economy. To that end, we have announced funding this week for 48 new projects totalling over $12 million across Canada.
To all Canadians, I extend my very best wishes for a happy International Women's Day and a fulfilling International Women's Week.

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