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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ICCC forms new Canada-India mining committee

Vishwapati Trivedi India's Deputy Minister and Secretary Ministry of Mines and Narinder Chauhan, Deputy High Commissioner of India in Ottawa with Board of Directors of the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce 
www.insurancerate.com StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Toronto, March 5: The Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) announced the launch of a mining committee to create opportunities in the sector.
Making this announcement Monday, Satish Thakkar, President, ICCC, said, “One of our Chamber’s focuses is to explore mining-related trade and investment opportunities in exploration and mining technologies. We want to give a tangible dimension to the mining sector MOU between Ontario and India signed in July 2010.”
The committee will be headed by Indira Singh, a mining sector veteran who has worked at Ontario’s Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. Satish Thakkar of the ICCC and Bhushan Vora, Chairman of the Diamond Bourse of Canada will be the other members, subsequently two additional members will also be inducted to make the committee more representative
Thakkar was addressing a mining sector delegation from India attending the annual Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto. The ICCC had a welcome reception for the delegation at Ontario Investment and Trade Centre.
The delegation is led by Vishwapati Trivedi, Secretary and Deputy Minister Mines, Government of India, and comprised over 30 members from Indian federal and state 

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