As we travel over the holiday season to vist friends and family, or to escape from the cold weather, here are some tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable.trip
StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-
Recreational travel is a favorite hobby for people of all ages, and many of us need to travel to see family and friends. For those of us over 50 we need to ensure we take some precautionary measures to ensure a safe trip.
•Talk to your Doctor in advance. A full check up prior to travelling may be advised. Discuss your itinerary-precautionary measures often differ from one locale to another.
•The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention lists recommended vaccines based on your travel destination. You can obtain more information at:
•Ask your Doctor when it is best to take your medications if you are changing time zones, and should you take your medications before or after your flight.
•Pack all medications in your carry on luggage. Ensure you have the amount of medication you need for the duration of your trip, plus a few days extra. Keep all medications in their original containers.
•Keep a list of information with you at all times including: existing medical conditions, and treatment for those conditions.
•Take steps to prevent deep vein thrombosis if it is a long train ride, drive, or flight, you may want to consider compression stockings.
For more tips on travelling safely visit:
Bon Voyage
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