StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Canadian porn star of Indian origin Sunny Leone has confirmed to that she is indeed travelling to Mumbai. While she did not specifically say that she was coming to Mumbai for Bigg Boss 5, her clarification lends credibility to reports circulating in the media that Sunny Leone will be part of Bigg Boss 5. A source from the channel colors told that Sunny Leone was being paid Rs 3 crore (all inclusive) to make a guest appearance in the Bigg Boss house. Channel authorities were unavailable for comment and the Corp Comm department of Colors did not reply to our messages asking for a clarification.
According to the Times of India report, “Sunny Leone, who was named Penthouse Pet of the Year in 2003 and was under a contract for Vivid Entertainment, has been roped in to be the international celebrity on the reality TV show.
If Bigg Boss 5 was not a controversial magnet already, the reality TV show is about to garner far more eyeballs. The same show which got all the men’s jaws dropping when Pamela Anderson entered the house will now reportedly open its doors to adult film star, Sunny Leone. A source informed Mumbai Mirror that the actress will be welcomed into the Bigg Boss 5 house this weekend.
According to the source, there were rumours that Mike Tyson would be the international celebrity invited to the Indian version of Bigg Boss season 5. However, the Indian-Canadian adult film actress, Sunny Leone, whose real name is Karen Malhotra, has finally been selected.
The source explained, “There are two single men – Akshdeep Saigal and Siddarth and one married man – Amar Upadhyay, who are currently in the house. Sunny’s entry into the house will definitely help to generate some drama and excitement for viewers.”
The source informed us that Sunny was named Penthouse Pet of the Year in 2003 and was under a contract for Vivid Entertainment. She was also named one of the top 12 X-rated actresses in 2010. “She is one of the most talked about adult film actresses, who began her career with mainly homosexual roles before she started doing roles opposite men in 2008. Incidentally, there were also rumours that Mohit Suri had offered her a role in his film Kalyug. Apart from many adult films, Sunny has done quite a few mainstream films as well. Sunny will be arriving into the country tonight,” added the source.
When contacted, the channel refused to comment
Source: here
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