StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Shahrukh Khan arrives on the red carpet for the premiere of Ra.One at TIFF Bell Lightbox, which got off to a late start Wednesday evening. King khan was surrounded by cameras and eager fans who wanted to take a glimpse of the Bollywood star. Attendees at the red carped Director of Ra.One, Anubhav Sinha,Armaan Verma & Shahana Goswami. photo by Mohammed Moinuddin/SnapsIndia
Limited Block of Tickets released for the Ra.One Premiere with Shahrukh Khan
It?s only a few days until the highly anticipated Bollywood blockbuster, Ra.One makes its global debut with a 3-D spectacle at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto with Shahrukh Khan in attendance. Fans from across Canada and even some from the USA are desperate to get their hands on any tickets that may be available for the Red Carpet Premiere on October 26. On Friday, organizers of the event, Esquire Viva Entertainment and Star Mantra Entertainment Group, made a special announcement that they will be releasing a second block of tickets for the fans as demand has been extremely high. The event which is sponsored by Rogers Communications was initially an event exclusively by invite only, however due to an extremely high demand, organizers have decided to open up this block of seats for fans.
?After listening to fans for the past week we feel that it?s only fair we open up this event to fans of Shahrukh Khan and Indian Cinema? said Riaz Ladha from Star Mantra Entertainment.
Ra.One is Bollywood?s highest budget film ever and it?s most technologically and commercially ambitious film to date is set. It?s ground-breaking on many levels and is set to elevate the entire Bollywood film Industry. Fans in Toronto are excited that King Khan has chosen Toronto as one of his stops on his marketing Bonanza for Ra.One. A true treat for fans, as they can walk the Red Carpet with Shahrukh and then proceed to the intimate theater where he will discuss the film and do a Question and answer session with the crowd during intermission, a once in a lifetime opportunity indeed for fans of Shahrukh Khan and Bollywood.
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