USA OEM Technology Demonstration |
New Electric Vehicle Battery Recharge Technology Being Scientifically Validated by Independent Researchers Worldwide. Has the capacity to eliminate EV roadside recharge requirements and allow immediate EV market integration.
StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Sep 17, 2011 - Regenerative Acceleration Generator Technology - the new electric vehicle battery recharge technology has the unique ability to reverse the regenerative braking paradigm which is often employed in EVs to recharge the batteries while decelerating the vehicle.
Regenerative Acceleration Generator Technology reverses the polarity of the induced magnetic fields inside the generator and creates a generator which recharges electric vehicles batteries while accelerating the vehicle at the same time.
RM technology can be integrated into existing EV, HEV and ICE vehicle platforms or it can be developed as a standalone motor/generator solution.
Potential Difference Inc. main Youtube Channel:
Canadian Scientific Validation watch?v=USnDxqslfyA
Netherlands Scientific Validation #2 watch?v=lGstOJ4NDQQ
Netherlands Scientific Validation #3 with Math Model watch?v=QziS_ o6gSnQ
Thane C. Heins
Potential +/- Difference Inc. R & D
"The Transition of Power"
"How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time
-through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone" ~ Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller
Netherlands Scientific Validation #2
Netherlands Scientific Validation #3 with Math Model
Thane C. Heins
Potential +/- Difference Inc. R & D
"The Transition of Power"
"How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time
-through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone" ~ Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller
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