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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Friday, December 31, 2010

Tech Tips: Protect Your Laptop

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Author: By: Julie | Posted: 29th December 2010

You may feel very excited when you get a laptop which is expected for a long time. To protect your laptop and keep it last long, you�d better spend a little money to buy some laptop accessories.

The following are the necessary ones:

1. A laptop bag

It is important to have a bag with which you can carry your laptop and some other necessary accessories everywhere when you go out. It also can protect your laptop from getting exposed to the elements and from abrasion.

2. A USB mouse

You can get a USB mouse to be prepared. When you are tired of your touch pad, you can use it.

3. A headset

This is very useful when you’re noise places and you want to listen to music or watch movies. With this you can have a very clear listening to the sounds from your laptop.

4. A Cat5 Ethernet cable

If you love to travel, this item is needed. As we know, there are many hotels which have built-in Ethernet ports and you can enjoy surfing the Internet if you have an Ethernet cable.

5. Software

You can also make software to be prepared. Because you may need to add some software that your wasn’t pre-installed on your laptop when you are out.

6. Disposable cleansing cloths

I consider very person likes clean environment. It is difficult to imagine what the feeling is when you are working on a dusty laptop. So you need disposable cleansing cloths to clean your laptop.

7. A USB drive

It is a portable storage device and very helpful when you need to transfer files to another computer or some other device or make a back-up copy.

Nowadays, laptop plays a very important role in our daily life. It is very important for work, assignments, projects and research. So in order not to worry, make sure you purchase a good security device like a lock, software or alarm. This will help you prevent thieves from stealing your precious laptops and its files.

With the above cheap accessories, you can protect your laptop from abrasion and have a good time and enjoy your life.
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Printed From: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1923957_10.html

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