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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Parenting: Harper Government Launches New Website to Assist Parents

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Harper Government Launches New Website to Assist Parents
Social Media News Release

December 3, 2010

·         The Government of Canada has launched the Children’s Health and Safety Campaign aimed at promoting children’s health and safety tips for parents.
·         The healthycanadians.gc.ca/kids website offer tips and advice for parents on topics such as car seat safety, healthy eating and nutrition, food safety, product safety and physical activity.
·         Free tools such as an online customizable handbook, a mobile application, and Facebook applications will help Canadian parents cut through the clutter, receive up-to-date health and safety information, and stay connected. ·         The Children’s Health and Safety ad campaign will air on television, in cinemas and on digital screens and posters in retail locations across Canada.  The campaign will be offered in both English and French markets starting November 22 to March 31.   Internet advertising will also encourage the use of the campaign’s social media tools.Quotes:

·         “There are often a lot of confusing messages for parents about how to keep their kids safe. This one-stop website provides parents and caregivers with a trusted source of information they need to protect their children.  I encourage parents to take advantage of these tools and visit our website today. This is a good example of the commitment made by the federal government to families.” Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health

·         “Not too long ago, searching the internet for information on the safety of older products was a time-consuming, unproductive quest.   Fortunately, this new, easy-to-use “Children's Health and Safety” website will greatly assist the parents checking if the older products are still safe, as well as allowing them to assess the safety of a product if considering purchasing second-hand.”  Nicole Christen, mommy blogger - My Real Review.
·         “It is alarming that more children die of injuries in Canada than all other causes combined. It is more alarming that most of these injuries were entirely preventable.  The introduction of the new Healthy Canadians website, in terms of providing accurate, up-to-date information, is an important step towards reducing preventable injuries to children and the resulting suffering incurred by families.” Dr. Mariana Brussoni, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia; Academic Scientist, BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit;  Director, BC Children's Hospital Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP)
Quick Facts
Answers to parents’ questions on topics such as food allergies, food safety, product recalls, car seat safety and obesity will be featured on the website (www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/kids) or by calling 1800-0-Canada.
Did you know that…

·         a child’s skull can fracture on impact at only 7km/h?
·         children’s car seats have an expiry date?
·         over-consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks is linked to childhood obesity?
·         bumper pads, quilts, stuffed toys, can reduce the flow of oxygen to your baby?
Learn more
·         Children’s Health and Safety Facebook: www.facebook.com/HealthyCanadianswww.healthycanadians.ca/kids
·         Call 1-800-0-Canada
·         Frequently asked questions
·         Fact Sheet

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