High Lights

StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Friday, December 10, 2010

Breaking News - Ms Ashtiani not released, Statement by Laureen Harper: Iran’s treatment of Ms Ashtiani remains an affront to women around the world.

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Statement on the continued detention of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani December 10, 2010, "Today I was deeply saddened to learn that Iran is continuing its gross abuse of Ms Ashtiani’s rights.  Iranian officials have confirmed that Ms Ashtiani, a mother of two children who had been sentenced to death by stoning in Iran, has not been released from jail as some reports had indicated.
Iran’s treatment of Ms Ashtiani remains an affront to women around the world.

We ask that Iran respect its human rights obligations.

We call upon the Iranian regime to abolish the sentence of stoning, which is an inhumane practice and part of a deteriorating human rights situation in Iran.

The free women here in Canada and around the world will not rest until Ms Ashtiani and other women unjustly imprisoned in Iran are freed and their human rights respected."

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