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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

'Endhiran' Faces Plagiarism Charges

November 2, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The recent Rajnikanth starrer ‘Robot’ has taken the world by surprise; it has been touted as one of the most successful Indian films in the recent years. The Rajnikanth/Aishwarya starrer has wooed the audience to the movie halls and danced its way to become one of the biggest Box Office grosser of this year.

Recent reports suggest that a Tamil writer has accused the film of plagiarism. The writer claims that 'Endhiran' has a lot similar to one of his own stories. The Tamil Writer by the name of Arnika Nasar is popular for his science fiction novels.

Nasar was shocked to discover that ‘Endhiran’s’ plot heavily borrowed from one of his novels. The writer promptly lodged a complaint with the Chennai Police. He claims that his novel was published quite a few years back and the core idea of the movie has been stolen from his story. Nasar’s story has been published in a noted magazine in 1995 which substantiates his claims.

Nasar accused director Shankar for lifting his story and making it into a movie without giving him any credit. The producers of ‘Endhiran’; might get into a lot of trouble if the jurisdiction fids a grain of truth in Nasar’s claims. Shankar has tried to wave off the claims of plagiarism as a mere coincidence. it seems that he might be in a lot of trouble if ‘Endhiran’ turns out to be a complete rip-off of the story written by Nasar. Let us hope that the plagiarism dispute gets sorted out quickly.
-StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto

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