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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weight Loss Tips You Should Know

So many people are engaged into some form of a weight loss program these days. A great figure has become one of the best assets a person can have. Aside from that, it is a well known fact that obesity brings a lot of sickness with it. These reasons make the weight loss industry earn millions of dollars.

Because people are dying to be in perfect shape, the gym business is doing very well. Also, weight loss products and supplements are fast becoming to become a multi million dollar industry. There are even some who tried expensive surgeries just to sculpt their bodies. People are really desperate in making themselves look good that’s why they don’t mind paying much. In fact, they could be paying too much for something that they can avail of for a lower price.

You could actually apply some cheaper, yet effective, weight loss tips. We’re very lucky today that we live in a very scientific world. So much has been researched on how to effectively lose weight. Unlike years before when weight loss programs were mere speculations, you can be sure that right now, the weight loss tips available are scientifically founded.

If you try to search the internet, you’ll sure to end up with hundreds of results on how to achieve a better figure. You’ll even get some advise from fellow readers on how they have maintained their weight. You won’t have to remain vague when it comes to losing wait when you have a lot of outlets to turn to for some great weight loss tips.

Basically, the main components of any weight loss program is to have a healthy diet and exercise regularly. You vary the gravity of these depending on your desired results. For example, if you need to shed off several more pounds, you may have to eat considerably less and do much more exercises.

For starters, reduce your fat intake. Begin by eating less junk foods and chocolate. You could also minimize drinking beer or soda. It is important to be able to gradually adjust your body to eat less. Crash dieting is not advisable since it might just shock your body.

Follow a balanced diet. Try eating more fruits and vegetables. You may have to get yourselves one of those weight loss supplements to make sure that your body is still getting enough nutrients. It would be better to consult professional on what kind of diet you should follow, so as not to run the risk of malnutrition.

Of course, you could just conveniently search the internet for diet plans. Just try to search for a plan that fits you. There is no diet that is perfect for everybody. For example, if you suffer from a deficiency of some kind of vitamin, you would choose a diet that does not reduce intake of this vitamin. Some people might also need a high-fiber or low-salt diet. It depends on your current health state.

Taking your dog out for a walk would also do your body good. Simple stretching exercises could come a long way.

Exercises are also great excuses for not eating. Instead of driving your car around the next block to get a few groceries, you can take a walk instead to the grocery store. In that way, you can’t go through the drive in fast food you’ll pass in the next corner.

Basically, all you need is a lot of self control. I know, it’s not as easy as it sounds. It really is difficult to control one’s appetite especially during parties where lots of delicious are available for free.

It’s also not so easy to exercise regularly. But if you want good results, you have to work on it. Exercising may seem to be a hassle on the first few weeks, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become a habit. Then, you’ll find exercising to be one of the daily routines that you just can’t live without.

Pills may give you a thinner body in a shorter period, but once you stop taking them, you’ll return to your old habits, thus making yourself fat again. I am aware of the much pressure placed on the not so thin people, but you shouldn’t compromise your general health just to get an attractive figure. To effectively reduce weight, you don’t need drastic results, you need a change of lifestyle.

-by Dr Nathalie Fiset who is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: http://www.reachyouridealweight.com  www.aperfectharmony.com  or www.a-1hypnosis.com
-StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto

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