High Lights

StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Poornima Mohan
Astro Consultant

Jupiter is the guru of devas. Guru indicates multiplicity, generosity, and abundance in the matters of His bhava. Swakshetra and especially uchcha Guru are particularly blessed. In different rashis its effect is different. 
Aries: The native has love of grandeur, is powerful, and is self-directed, self-confident, and self-knowing. Remarkably athletic, energetic and confident. Patient, mature, harmonious.

Taurus: Guru becomes sated with the heavy pleasuring of Vrishabha. He moves sluggishly there, expanding material-resource wealth but unable to develop much wisdom. The native is handsome, liberal, sympathetic, well read, creative, liked by all.

Gemini: n Mithuna or Gemini, Guru's abundant, generous, teacher roles acquire Budha-mercury like communicative characteristics, and the native tends to have a persuasive style of modeling and explaining human capacity to apprehend great truths. The native is a good orator, tall, well built, scholarly, elegant and poetic.

Cancer: Great healer, abundantly tolerant, caring and parental in attitude. Philanthropic nature. Ends toward great wealth. Welcoming, appreciative, well read, inclined to social gossip, faithful.

Leo: political charm, charisma, getting and holding social attention, performance art and entitlement at theroyal level of privilege. Tends toward strong self-confidence, aristocratic sense of noblesse oblige, moral authority which can run to authoritarianism. Good heart, strong compassion. Displays a generous nature. Thinks well of oneself, emphasizes virtue, nobility of spirit. Easily offended, broad minded, wise, and prudent.

Virgo: Believes in accurate information, broad analytical viewpoint, and advance planning. Ambitious, selfish, stoical, lovable, endurance, learned.

Libra: Believes in harmonious relationships, good design, attractive appearances, and in all things balance. Open minded, courteous, handsome, strong, able, competent and pleasing.

Scorpio: Believes in deep healing and the benefits of understanding mysteries. Capable of deep faith. Self-confident, to the point of arrogance. Weak constitution, imprudent, conventional, proud and elegant manners.

Sagittarius: Believes in human potential and embraces all varieties of opportunity for self development. Sees oneself in a educational, coaching, or priestly role. High enthusiasm for life. Religious, optimistic, confident, wealthy, charitable, weak constitution, open minded.

Capricorn: Conventional viewpoint. Admits no alternative rules. Tolerant of diversity and supportive of expanded opportunity for all . Strong believer in hard work and discipline. Not a slacker. Takes a slow, patient, and determined approach.

Aquarius: Learned, conventional, popular, humanitarian, melancholic, meditative, prudent, philosophical, compassionate.

Pisces: Excellent for success in teaching of pediatric medicine, import-export business (esp. teaching materials) and work in foreign lands, service work in temples as teacher to the weak and downtrodden. Stout, enterprising, political diplomacy.

- Poornima Mohan for StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto

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