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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

HUMANITARIAN COALITION applauds Canadian government announcement to extend the donation match period for Pakistan Relief

Together – Saving More Lives.

HUMANITARIAN COALITION applauds Canadian government announcement to extend the donation match period for Pakistan Relief

September 12 (Ottawa, ON) - Members of the HUMANITARIAN COALITION lauded the Canadian Government's decision to extend the deadline to match gifts in support of relief efforts in Pakistan.

"This decision means many more people affected by the flood will receive the support they need," said CARE President & CEO Kevin McCort. "The message from the Prime Minister is clear -- we need to continue supporting relief efforts happening right now in Pakistan."

"The extension acknowledges that while Canadians have been generous, more can and must be done to save lives and help families recover from this devastating disaster," said Robert Fox, Oxfam Canada's Executive Director. "Matching donations will ensure even more clean water, shelter and food will reach affected communities."

"Having just come back from Pakistan, I can attest how important it is that Canadians are showing their support during this difficult time," said David Morley, President and CEO of Save the Children Canada. "These added funds will guarantee direct life-saving services to the many affected children and families."

The HUMANITARIAN COALITION would like to extend a special thanks to Government House Leader John Baird who generously donated to the members' response efforts in Pakistan today.

The HUMANITARIAN COALITION would also like to thank CTV, CBC, eBay and GlobalTV for their outstanding efforts to profile the urgent needs of the Pakistani people over the course of the last month. They made it easy for caring Canadians to make a donation to the HUMANITARIAN COALITION, which has translated in a significant increase of relief services offered to Pakistani survivors.

The HUMANITARIAN COALITION, through its member agencies, provides a widespread and effective response to emergencies, with a combined presence in 120 countries. By coming together under one banner, the HUMANITARIAN COALITION reduces fundraising costs, increasing the impact of Canadian donations where it is needed.

-StarBuzz weekly, Toronto

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