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StarBuzz Online - Toronto

Sunday, September 12, 2010

All the planets affect us. It is the Sun in this issue - by Poornima Mohan

Poornima Mohan
Astro Consultant

We talked about basics of Vedic astrology last week. All the planets affect us. Some are very strong and some are mild. They give us different traits, affect the way we look and behave. But where they are placed in one’s horoscope will make all the difference. While analyzing a chart, position of planets in different rashis and different houses has to be seen. Today we will talk about the effect of planets in different rashis. Let us start with the Sun. According to Parashar rishi and also Dr. B.V. Raman,

The Sun
  • In Aries: Active, intelligent, brave, impressive personality, easily irritable, leadership
  • In Taurus: Fond of perfumes and a dealer in them, self confident, fond of good food and drinks, not favoured by women, sociable
  • In Gemini: Scholarly, wealthy, good communicator, reserved good critical ability
  • In Cancer: Cruel, sickly, sorrowful suffers from constipation
  • In Leo: Stubborn, independent, good organizer, generous, leader
  • In Virgo: Poet, mathematician, good memory, artistic, reserved
  • In Libra: Popular, multilingual, dealing in liquor, arrogant, frank
  • In Scorpio: Bold, reckless, stubborn, impulsive,
  • In Sagittarius: Short tempered, reliable, popular, happy disposition, religious
  • In Capricorn: Ignorant, stubborn, witty, humorous, prudent, and pushy
  • In Aquarius: Stubborn, unhappy, poor
  • In Pisces: Peaceful, wealthy, loved by women, religious

These are general guidelines. One has to keep in mind other factors such as placement of these planets in different house in the horoscope, the nakshatra one is born with and many more.

-StarBuzz weekly, Toronto

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