“Music is my passion and always has been. It’s the blood that runs through my veins. I can’t NOT do music. I’ve
tried running away from this dream of mine, and it’s gotten me no where. I love it, and it’s the only thing in this
world that makes me feel alive.”
Where were you born and raised?
-Montreal, Canada
How do you think the environment you were in and your surroundings shaped what you do now?-Having South Asian roots and being raised in Canada was confusing at times. Growing up, I felt like I was living two different lives. One life was with my family, speaking in Punjabi, going to Gurdwara every Sunday and going to Punjabi school on Fridays. We'd also have to go to Gurmukhi Camp for two weeks every summer. We ate Indian food at home and spoke in Punjabi with our grandparents. My first language was Punjabi and thats all I spoke until I started school. I went into Kindergarden only speaking punjabi and learned english and french in school. My second life was my life while at school. I was surrounded and raised in a very western environment. I never wore Indian clothes unless at the Gurdwara and I listened to a lot of western music. Western music is what I heard all around me and it really inspired me. I am a product of this dual-life now. I've come to terms with who I am and I don't feel so confused anymore. I'm not less of an Indian because I don't wear Indian clothes or speak punjabi very well and i'm not less of a Canadian just because I have brown skin and eat Indian food! This dual-ness is a theme in my life even when it comes to my career. I always wanted to be a singer, but I was always too scared to follow my heart and dreams. I did the tradition route for a long time and when I received my degree in Psychology, I realized I was making a big mistake. I immediately enrolled into music school and finally saw happy days in my life. I am now a very content person and I love my life, as uncertain as it is. I don't feel like i'm wasting my life away and every day has meaning.
What led you to realize that you wanted to be a singer?
-I was in grade 2 and I heard "From A Distance" by Bette Midler. That song set a flame in my heart that has yet to die. I wanted to be her and from that moment of hearing her song, I knew with all my heart that I was meant to sing.
How do you think you are impacting the South Asian community through your art?-I think i'm impacting the South Asian Community by inspiring and showing them that anyone can do anything they set their mind to. I hope that the youth can look up to me and see that we don't have to do the traditional things our parents or society may want us to do. Everyone is here for a reason, and that reason is up to God, no one else, no matter what your roots are.
What do you think is special about South Asian Pop music?- The music I write is from my heart, and that's what makes it special regardless of the label it is given. That is what makes it special to me! No one else can write from my heart and from my perspective, and that is what makes my music sound special and different.
What are you currently working on?-I just finished recording a few songs with JoSH. They acted as producers for my project and i'm working on recording some more songs so that I can release my full CD within this next year. I'm doing a lot of shows so be sure to check out pritamusic.com to stay posted!
What do you have in mind for the near future?-I hope to remain very happy! I'm also looking forward to shooting my first video.
Careerwise what is the one thing that has been very special to you?-Any time I inspire someone, that is special. You just can't put a price on that. I once visited a fan at a hospital who was very sick. He said that he was there to get some work done on his lungs, but hearing my music he realized that it was his heart that needed work done. He felt very depressed that he was sick and he's think to himself, why me? Then he heard my music and realized that he should be lucky enough to receive care in a hospital and that regardless of his circumstances, life was worth living. He gave me a gift - a magnet with a quote written : "The best things in life cannot be seen or touched, they can only be felt with the heart". He said that thats what my music did for him. That was a very special moment for me.
Do you have any particular project you have wanted to work on or be a part of?-I want to try acting! I've never done it, but i'm very curious to see if i'd do well as an actor!
-Tia Virdi - Special Correspondent
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